You will be able to pick up your child's final report card for this year in one of three ways:
- You may bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the school and leave it in the black box near the doorbell in front of the school. Your self-addressed, stamped envelope must be dropped off by Wednesday, May 24th. (Please indicate your child's/children's name(s) on the envelope.)
- You may access your child's final grades online on Skyward after May 26th.
- Or, you may drive up to the school on Friday, May 26th between 7:30am-9:30 am. You will pull through the car rider line. A staff member will walk out to your car, have you identify your child (you will need your ID or car rider tag for this), and your child's teacher will walk the report card out to your car. This will all be drive-thru, so please stay in your vehicle to allow for all students and parents to get through the line.