Amanda Guy » Ms. Amanda's Speech/Language Resources

Ms. Amanda's Speech/Language Resources

Your Stewartsboro Speech-Language Pathologists are missing each and every one of you VERY MUCH!!!  We hope you are all staying healthy and busy! We are keeping everyone in our prayers, and sending out positive thoughts to you and your families! Please take good care of one another, and know that we are remembering each of you as we work to keep in touch by email and other sources! Thanks for keeping in touch, as we all know that this too shall pass!
Mrs. Becca, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Cheri 
Office Hours
(615) 987-0801

Week 8: Speech Activities

Monday: Play Tic-Tac-Toe by writing words with their sounds on the spaces. Say each word 5 times as you play the game.

Tuesday: Draw an animal that has your speech sound.  Say the word 5 times.

Wednesday: Pretend you are going on vacation.  Name 10 things you’d pack in your suitcase that have your speech sound.

Thursday: Play a game with your parents or siblings.  Practice using your speech sounds during the game.

Friday: Pretend you’re driving to your favorite restaurant/store/place.  Name 5 things with your speech sound that you’d see on the way there.


Additional Resources:


Week 7: Speech Activities

Monday: Look out your window. Can you name five things that have your speech sound in it?

Tuesday: Name ten things that have your speech sound in it.

Wednesday: Play Simon Says using your good speech sounds.

Thursday: Play “Guess It”: describe an item using your good speech sounds until someone guesses what you are describing.

Friday: Pretend you are at the zoo, what things do you see that have your speech sound?

Additional Resources:


Week 6: Speech Activities

Monday: Go on a picnic (pretend or real) with foods that have your speech sound. Say those words 5 times each.

Tuesday: Read your favorite book and look for words that have your speech sound.

Wednesday: Look in your toy box and find toys that have your speech sound.

Thursday: Find a magazine and look for pictures of things with your speech sound. Cut the picture out and glue them on a piece of paper. Say each word 5 times.

Friday: Using your good speech sounds describe the weather.

Additional Resources:


Week 5: Speech Activities

Monday: A spider caught 10 things in his spider web containing your speech sound. What are they?

Tuesday: Name 10 actions that contain your speech sound.

Wednesday: Name 5 sweet and 5 sour things that have your speech sound.

Thursday: Do you have a pet? Name 10 pet names that have your speech sound.

Friday: Pretend to make a silly sandwich. Name 10 yucky things you might put on your sandwich using your speech sound.

Additional Resources:


Week 4: Speech Activities

Monday: Write 5 words on the sidewalk in chalk and say each word 5 times each using your speech sound.

Tuesday: Play hopscotch with your speech words instead of numbers.

Wednesday: Pretend you are making a pizza. What are 10 toppings you could put on it that have your speech sound?

Thursday: Pretend to go fishing and catch 10 items that contain your speech sound.

Friday: Pretend you are grocery shopping. Name 10 foods that have your speech sound.

Additional Resources:


Week 3: Speech Activities

Monday: Play “I Spy” in your bedroom. Find 3 things that has your speech sound. Say the words 5 times.

Tuesday: Use your speech sound while you talk about items we buy at the grocery store.

Wednesday: Listen for your speech sound when you are listening to a story. Say 5 words that have your speech sound.

Thursday: Use your speech sound while you talk about your favorite movie.

Friday: Draw a picture of something that has your speech sound. Say the word 5 times each.  

Additional Resources:


Speech Activities for Week 2:

Monday: Listen for your speech sound when you are watching a movie. Say 5 words that have your speech sound.

Tuesday: Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with a sibling. Every time you play, Say 3 words with your sound.

Wednesday: Use your speech sound while you say 3 things a doctor would say.

Thursday: Draw a picture of something that has your speech sound. Say the word 5 times each.

Friday: Ask your parents to say 5 words that have your speech sound. Repeat them 5 times each.

Additional Resources:


Speech Activities for Week 1:

Monday: Draw a picture of something that has your speech sound. Say the word 5 times each.

Tuesday: Play “I Spy” in your front yard. Find 3 things that have your speech sound. Say the words 5 times.

Wednesday: Use your good speech sounds read a book.

Thursday: Learn a joke that has your speech sound in it. Tell it to your parents.

Friday: Ask your siblings to say 5 words that have your speech sound. Repeat them 5 times each.


Additional Resources:

Week 8: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Name 3 parts of a dresser.

Tuesday: Name 3-5 items from the group: Farm Animals

Wednesday:  Where would you find these things: Milk, hanger, book

Thursday: What group do these items belong in? Peach, Apple, Pear

Friday: Find 3 things made of wood

Additional Resources:


Week 8: Level 2 Language Activities

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student

Monday: 20 questions.  Guess the answer based on the following clues.  I am a PLACE

1)  I am in America   2) I am named for a US president   3) I am a capital city   4) I am home to Capital Hill.  5) My initials stand for District of Columbia   6) I can see the Lincoln Memorial   7)  I am the only US City not in my own state   8) The Supreme Court meets in me  9) Visit the White House when you visit me.

Tuesday: Syntax- Sentence construction-

Make a sentence using the following conjunctions    1) Since    2) Although   3) Because

Wednesday: Following directions- Give your student a pencil and a blank piece of paper. Let them read the following-

Instruction- read through ALL the following steps before you begin. Read the directions carefully and do exactly what they say.

  • Number your paper 1-10
  • Write your first name in top right corner
  • Circle the second letter in your name
  • Write your age on the bottom of the page
  • Write the alphabet
  • Draw a star in the middle of the page
  • Tell someone you love them
  • Yell “I AM FINISHED”
  • Do not do any of the steps above. See how important it is to follow directions!

Thursday: Context clues-

  • Your neighbor is a police officer. How would you know?
  • I’ve heard that three times now.  I am calling 911.  When would you think this?
  • Don’t forget the luggage and your passport. What could be happening?

Friday: Social/Feelings-

  • What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Why was it hard? What could you have done to make it easier for yourself?
  • Who do you most admire and why?
  • What do you find irritating?

Additional Resources:


Week 7: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Sequencing:

  • Sequencing an event: Have your child describe the steps needed to complete the following activity: washing your hands. (Use words such as “first”, “then”, “next”, “last” or “finally”.)
  • Sequencing in a story: In the story listed below, have your child listen for the three sequencing words (e.g., first, next last) as clues for the different parts of the story. Your child can draw pictures to represent each part of the story, and then retell the story back to you including all of the parts in order.

Lydia and Mark are going to school. First, they wait at the bus stop. Then, they get onto the bus to go to school. Last, the driver drops Lydia and Mark off at the school.

Tuesday: Describing:  Name and describe five types of clothing by size, shape, and color

Wednesday: WH Questions:

  • Tessa left school early because she was sick. Why did Tessa leave school early?
  • Because Cody was thirsty after the race, Cody drank some water. Why did Cody drink water?
  • Grandma’s cookies taste delicious because she uses a special ingredient. Why do Grandma’s cookies taste delicious?
  • It was almost dinner time, so Emma washed her hands. Why did Emma wash her hands?
  • Kate was happy because she passed her exam. Why was Kate happy?

Thursday: Categories: Name clothing items and if you wear them if it is hot or cold outside.

Friday: Social Skills (Feelings):

  • Tell about a time that you were upset.
  • What makes you feel excited?
  • What is the nicest thing that someone has said to you?

Additional Resources:


Week 7: Level 2 Language Activities

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student

Monday: 20 questions- Guess the answer based on the following clues:  I am a THING

1)  I can have an automatic door opener.   2) I have four walls and a roof.  3)  My door is bigger than most   4)  I am a building    5)  I am not a store but I may have sales  6)  I don’t have carpet on my floor    7)  I can be used for storage     8)  At a mall, I may be five stories tall. 

Tuesday: Syntax- Combine the following sentences to make one sentence. You can add words to make them make sense.

1)  a. I will be a teenager   b. my birthday is tomorrow. 

2)  a. Horses scare me.  b. Becky and Blake like to ride horses

3)  a. I like pepperoni and pineapples.   b. I like thin crust pizza

Wednesday: See how many items you can name that meet this criteria:

1)  Things with four wheels but not cars

2)  Things that are scheduled but not medical appointments

3)  Things that are loud but aren’t rock concerts.

Thursday: Analogies-

1)  Bowl is to cereal as mug is to:   a. cake   b. soup   c. coffee

2)  Gas is to car as electricity is to:  a. flashlight  b. light fixture  c. winter

3)  Over is to above as under is to:  a. below   b. aspirin   c. beside

Friday: Social/Feelings-

1)  What is the nicest thing someone has ever said to you?

2)  When do you feel peaceful?

3)  Have you ever felt embarrassed?  Tell what happened?


Additional Resources:



Week 6: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Sequencing:

  • Sequencing an event: Have your child describe the steps needed to complete the following activity: making a sandwich. (Use words such as “first”, “then”, “next”, “last” or “finally”.)
  • Sequencing in a story: In the story listed below, have your child listen for the three sequencing words (e.g., first, next last) as clues for the different parts of the story. Your child can draw pictures to represent each part of the story, and then retell the story back to you including all of the parts in order.

John is making cookies. First, he mixes all the ingredients together. Then, he puts balls of cookie dough onto a pan. Last, he bakes the cookies in the oven.

Tuesday: Describing:  Name and describe five pieces of furniture by their size, shape, and color.


Wednesday: WH Questions:

  • Olivia’s birthday party starts at 8 o’clock. When does the birthday party start?
  • Amelia had her piano lesson yesterday. When did Amelia have her piano lesson?
  • Trevor played his video game on Friday night. When did Trevor play his video game?
  • After her test, Shannon went out for recess. When did Shannon go out for recess?
  • When you hear the whistle, line up to go to class. When do you line up to go to class?

Thursday: Categories: Name furniture items and their function.


Friday: Social Skills (Safety): Is this safe? Yes or No?

  • A boy looks both ways before crossing the street.
  • Fresh cookies came out of the oven and your little sister goes to grab one.
  • You are asleep and hear the fire alarm going off. You decide to go back to sleep.

Additional Resources:


Week 6: Level 2 Language Activities

Monday: 20 questions- Guess the answer.  I am a PERSON

1)  I am a US civil rights leader.  2) I was born in Atlanta, Georgia   3)  I am male

4)  I fought against racism   5)  I am an author   6)  I won the Nobel Peace Prize

Tuesday: Syntax- Combine the following sentences to make one sentence. You can add words to make them make sense.

1) a.  I am cold.  b. I have a coat on.

2)  a. My favorite color palate is blue    b. royal blue is my favorite color

3)  a. I play football.    b. I have a game Friday     c.  I have practice today

Wednesday: Multiple meaning words  Select two meanings for the following words

1)  Shower         to let someone down     falling rain    a method of bathing     a bar of soap

2)  Sandwich      a geometric figure    something to eat    to squeeze between two things   not early

3)   Arms             parts of a bench     body parts     a weapon    the front teeth

Thursday: Analogies-  Select the answer that completes the analogy

1)  Two is to couple as twelve is to ______ a. eggs   b. dozen   c. decade

2)  Brake is to car as anchor is to _______ a. chain    b. stop    c.boat

3)  Pencil is to write as napkin is to _____  a.  early  b. wipe  c. morning

Friday: Social/safety- Answer the questions try to explain your answers

1)  Why is it dangerous to forget to use turn signals when driving?

2)  What might be dangerous about someone not cutting the grass?

3)  Why should someone not use an electronic plugged in close to water?


Additional Resources:



Week 5: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Sequencing:

  • Sequencing an event: Have your child describe the steps needed to complete the following activity: making your bed. (Use words such as “first”, “then”, “next”, “last” or “finally”.)
  • Sequencing in a story: In the story listed below, have your child listen for the three sequencing words (e.g., first, next last) as clues for the different parts of the story. Your child can draw pictures to represent each part of the story, and then retell the story back to you including all of the parts in order.

It is time to get ready for school! First, the girl gets dressed. Then, she makes her bed. Last, she puts on her backpack and walks to the bus.

Tuesday: Describing:  Name five foods and their size, shape, and color.


Wednesday: WH Questions:

  • The duck flew to the pond. Where did the duck fly?
  • Robb’s dog buried his bone in the garden. Where did the dog bury his bone?
  • After she got home, Maria put the groceries in the kitchen. Where did Maria put the groceries?
  • Julie went to the park on Monday. Where did Julie go?
  • Joey will fly a spaceship to the moon when he grows up. Where will Joey go when he grows up?

Thursday: Categories:  Name food items and if you must keep them in the refrigerator or not in the refrigerator.


Friday: Social Skills (Problem Solving): What would you do if….

  • You needed a pencil in class, but you didn’t have one?
  • You couldn’t find your favorite pair of shoes?
  • You forgot your lunch box at home?

Additional Resources:


Week 5: Level 2 Language Activities

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student

Monday: Synonyms- words that have the same meaning. Choose the synonym for the following words:  There may be more than one answer.

1)  Polite:         rude         move     courteous     mannerly

2)  Strange:      bizarre       odd       tight                          abnormal

3)  Fight:          gloves      argue      battle          right

4)  Clear:         broth        free      understood     transparent

Tuesday: Antonyms- words that mean the opposite.  Choose the antonym for the following words:

1)  Afraid:       boy       table        scared          surprised

2)  Tidy:          neat       tired        paper           plane

3)  Damp:       hard       wet          leash           tired

4)  Wealthy:    iced      garden       rich            kind

WednesdaySyntax- scrambled sentences.  Unscramble these words to make a sentence.

1)  We store are grocery to going the.

2)  study need test I to for the. 

3)  chair Is broken the?

Thursday: Inferencing – read the following and answer questions based on information provided.

1)  He got ready for the game.  He carried something hard to protect his head.  What was he carrying?

2)  The door would not close all the way.  He realized it was too long.  He took the door off the hinges and took it outside.  What is he going to do?  What tool would he use?

3)  She took her dog out before going to bed.  It was dark.  She could see something black with a white stripe walking along the back of her yard. What was it?

Friday: Reasoning/Prioritizing  

What does the word priority mean? Which item should be given priority on your to do lists/why?

  • Getting a medication prescription filled or buying mac and cheese from the grocery
  • Putting salt on an icy walk or having carpets cleaned
  • Stopping to get coffee on the way to work or getting to work on time
  • Buying a new phone/tv or getting new tires for your car


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Week 4: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Sequencing:

  • Sequencing an event: Have your child describe the steps needed to complete the following activity: brushing your teeth. Use words such as “first”, “then”, “next”, “last” or “finally”.
  • Sequencing in a story: In the story listed below, have your child listen for the three sequencing words (e.g., first, next last) as clues for the different parts of the story. Your child can draw pictures to represent each part of the story, and then retell the story back to you including all of the parts in order.

The boys are getting ready for bed. First, they put on their pajamas. Then, they brush their teeth. Last, they get into their beds and go to sleep.

Tuesday: Describing:  Name five things that you use in a kitchen daily (i.e. cup, plate) and state the size, shape, and color.


Wednesday: WH Questions:

  • Kelsey baked a chocolate cake. Who baked a chocolate cake?
  • Carl played football at school. Who played football?
  • The basketball team won the game. Who won the game?
  • Before school, Amber and Jessica ate breakfast. Who ate breakfast?
  • Jeff played a game at the fair and won a prize. Who won a prize?

Thursday: Categories: Name as many items as you can in a kitchen and their function.  


Friday: Social Skills (Friendship):

  • Your friend was playing with the toy that you wanted. What do you do?
  • Your mom forgot to get you a snack. What do you do?
  • A student cut in front of you in line in the cafeteria. What can you do?

Additional Resources:


Week 4: Level 2 Language Activities

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student

Monday: Prefixes- Think of a word with the following prefixes.  Meanings of the prefixes are given in parenthesis. Example:  The meaning of the prefix hyp is (sleep).   (sleep) Hypnotize

  • (out) Ex___
  • (year) ann______
  • (water) aqua_______

Tuesday: Suffixes- Think of a word with the following suffixes.  Meanings of the suffixes are given in parenthesis for a hint.  Example:  The meaning of the suffix -ician is (specialist).  Pediatrician

  • ____graph (write)
  • __ ject (throw)
  • ___struct(build)

Wednesday: Multiple meaning words.  Think of two meanings for each of these words and use them each in a sentence.    

  • Duck
  • Check
  • Jam

Thursday: Idioms/figurative language.  Have the student determine the meaning of the following idioms in context:

  • When I came back to get my jacket it was gone. I just knew it was stolen.  It was enough to make my blood boil. 
  • Stacy told me the test should be a piece of cake even though I hadn’t studied.
  • Even though Steven and I had both taken the car, when mom asked who did it he hung me out to dry.

Friday: Social Skills- Problem solving   Give one or more solutions to the following problems:

  • You need groceries but you can’t drive
  • You are given the wrong food at a restaurant
  • You are running late for a scheduled appointment/meeting

Additional Resources:



Week 3: Level 1 Language Activities

Monday: Describe your bedroom.

Tuesday: What is the plural of: leave, knife, foot, tooth

Wednesday: Read a book and retell the story to your parent.

Thursday: What is something we eat and a vegetable? Name 3.

Friday: Name 5 things you can play outside.


Additional Resources:


Level 1 Language Activities for Week 2:

Monday: Describe a caterpillar.

Tuesday: Pretend you are going on a hike. List the items you will take.

Wednesday: Name 4 things that are cold.

Thursday: Give the two meanings of the word “ring”.

Friday: List 5 things that freeze.


Additional Resources:


Week 3: Level 2 Language Activities

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student

Monday- Prefixes and root words. The root word is underlined. Explain how the prefix changes the root word meaning.

  • impossible
  • hyperactive
  • disobey

Tuesday- Suffixes and root words. The root word is underlined. Explain how the suffix changes the root word meaning.

  • friendship
  • teacher
  • flexible

Wednesday- Homophones- words that sound the same but have different meanings. Give different meanings for the following words:

  • red/read
  • hear/here
  • aloud/allowed

Thursday- Idioms/figurative language. Have the student determine the meaning of the following idioms in context:

  • I was being very quiet, so Avery asked if the cat had my tongue.
  • You have cried wolf so many times, no one believes you when you are really hurt.
  • Trying to find my ink pen in my purse is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.

Friday- Social skills

  • Describe where someone’s shoulders should face when they are interested in talking with you.
  • Describe where someone’s eyes should look while they are having a conversation.
  • Determine if the following cues would indicate a person is interested or not interested in engaging with you
          • body turned away from you
          • facing you
          • looking in your eyes/at your face
          • talking to an adult in a private conversation
          • body turned to you
          • rolling their eyes when you speak to them
          • says “hi” to you first and asks how you are doing
          • walks away from you without saying anything


Additional Resources:


Level 2 Language Activities for Week 2:

To help with understanding and use of both oral and written language you can complete the following with your student:

Monday- Prefixes and root words.  The root word is highlighted.  Explain how the prefix changes the root word meaning.

  • unlock     
  • preschool       
  • nonfiction

Tuesday- Suffixes and root words.  The root word is highlighted.  Explain how the suffix changes the root word meaning.

  • fearless    
  • sugarfree     
  • waterproof

Wednesday- Homophones.  Give two meanings for the following words:

  • sore/ soar  
  • nails 
  • fan
  • fair
  • season
  • spare

Thursday- Idioms/figurative language.  Have the student determine the meaning of the following idioms in context:

  • I always seem to get butterflies in my stomachbefore running in a big race. 
  • That beautiful dish in the window really caught my eye .
  • I was getting really discouraged but my friend told me to hang in there.

Friday- Social skills. Discuss the following scenarios with your student.

  • You told your friend a secret and asked them not to tell anyone but you find out they have.  What would you do?
  • You are home alone and someone knocks at the door. What should you do?
  • Explain what it means to compromise. When is a time you have compromised?


Language Activities for Week 1:

Monday: Describe a motorcycle.

Tuesday: How are grapes and apples the same? How are they different?

Wednesday: Answer the riddle: what is round and bounces?

Thursday: Answer this riddle: what has a long nose, big ears, and wrinkly skin?

Friday: Read book and answer 5 questions.


Additional Resources:

Week 8: Fluency Activities

Monday: Say the following sentence using “easy/fluent” speech, then again with “bumpy/dysfluent” speech. Do you like pickles (several food items)?

Tuesday: Tell 5 things you would take on a picnic, using slow and easy speech.

Wednesday: Say the following sentence using super slow speech then again with super-fast speech. “Did you see the firetruck?

Thursday: Say the following sentence using 1 or more pauses. The kids had fun at the beach.

Friday: People usually don’t stutter when they sing, whisper or talk in unison.  Give it a try!  Sing your favorite song and see if you notice any stuttering moments.

Additional resources:


Week 7: Fluency Activities

Monday: Have your child draw a picture of his/her choice, then describe it to you, using his/her fluency enhancing strategies. Ex: easy onset: “I---------- drew a cat.” chunking/phrasing: “The cat is (pause) chasing a mouse.”

Tuesday: What do you eat that: spreads, crunches, and crumbles? Put each word in a sentence using slow/easy speech.

Wednesday: Younger student- stretch out these words as you say them in sentences. Older student-make up one sentence using these words.

  • Ape
  • Eat
  • Ice cream
  • Open
  • Unicorn

Thursday: Tell someone your best memory from this school year. Make sure you use slow/easy speech.

Friday: Recite the days of the week/months of the year using slow and easy speech.

Additional resources:


Week 6: Fluency Activities

Monday:  Read a few pages of one of your books (textbooks, too! 😊 ).  Make sure you use good pausing.

Tuesday:  Say your address and phone number using slow & easy speech (for younger students).  Stutter on purpose at the beginning of one of your conversations today (for older students).

Wednesday:  Say these words using Light Contact:  Bike, Plant, Baseball, Cough, TV, Distance, Computer, Vacation, Carryout, Books

Thursday:  Help your family make a dessert for dinner.  Choose a favorite recipe and read each direction aloud using a speech technique you have learned in Speech Therapy.

Friday:  When answering questions or talking to people today, make sure you give yourself a few seconds Wait Time before responding.

Additional Resources:

It is important for students to know other people also stutter.  This link includes a video for children, by children who stutter.


Week 5: Fluency Activities

Monday:  Use your best eye contact when you are speaking today.

Tuesday:  People usually don’t stutter when they sing, whisper, or talk in unison.  Today, sing your favorite song!

Wednesday:  Recite the alphabet using slow & easy speech (for younger students). Research the difference between ‘stuttering’ and ‘dysfluent’ (for older students).

Thursday:  Say these words using exhaled air:  Happy, Healthy, Hour, Honest, Access, Able, Outside, History, Air, House, On-line, Awesome

Friday:  Some situations seem to make talking easier.  Some situations are more difficult.  Rate these situations from “easier to talk” to “harder to talk”:  Talking with my Friends, Talking with my Teacher, Talking to my Family, Talking to a new student, Telling a Joke, Ordering food at a Restaurant, Answering a Question in Class, Answering a Question in the Cafeteria.

Additional Resources:

Check out this link for information on a Tennessee writer who wrote Paperboy, a children’s book about a boy who happens to stutter.


Week 4: Fluency Activities

MondayGo for a walk or bike ride.  Tell someone what you saw using Slow/Easy Speech.

Tuesday:  Say the following sentence using super-slow speech, then again with super-fast speech:

                             I want to go outside.                        Can I have another book to read?

                             What’s for dinner?                            I miss seeing my friends.

Wednesday:  Recite the months of the year or the days of the week using the technique you are learning about in speech therapy.

ThursdayStretch out these words as you say them in sentences:  Store, Distance, Curb-side, Zoom, Healthy, Bored, Soap, Mask, Opportunity

FridayBe a Fluency Detective today.  Listen for other people using “bumpy” speech.

Additional Resources

Do you have a brother or sister who does not stutter?  This link provides information on sharing how stuttering can affect you to share with your sibling.


Week 3: Fluency Activities

Monday: (Older Students) We know that avoiding talking/answering or even avoiding situations or certain words makes stuttering worse.  Make a list of words, people, or situations you avoid because of your stutter.
(Younger Students) Draw a picture of what you see outside.  Describe the drawing to your parent or sibling.
Tuesday:  A FREE resource to learn about your speech helpers.  You can learn about speech helpers, their name, and how they help you speak.  Then you can color, cut out, & glue your own Speech Helper together.

Wednesday:   Draw a picture about how you feel about your stutter.  Write on the back what that picture means.

Thursday For older students:  Interview a member of your family about stuttering.  Questions can include:

       *Do you know anyone else who stutters?

       *What do you know about stuttering?

       * What do you think causes stuttering?

   For younger students...Parents, please read any book to your child using a slow rate of speech.

Friday: Older students can watch this video.  What is your passion?

Additional Resources:



Fluency Activities for Week 2:

Monday:  Use Stretchy Speech on the first word of every question you ask today (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How).

Tuesday:  Draw three large circles.  Inside the first, write down things about yourself that are positive.  In the second, write down things about yourself you consider negative. In the third circle, write down things about yourself that you find interesting.

Wednesday:  Use one of your techniques you have been working on in therapy at school as you read aloud 25 Things I Wish I Had Known About Stuttering When I Was 20.

Thursday:  Use an I Spy.... book to practice the technique of Easy Onset.  Use that technique as you list what you found aloud.

Friday: Use this link to read a free book about stuttering.


Additional Resources:


Fluency Activities for Week 1:

Monday: (For Older Students) Practice pausing at every comma and period as you read your favorite book aloud.

(For Younger Students) Parents, please dedicate 15 minutes to your child who stutters. Let them set the communicative agenda and you simply need to follow along for those dedicated 15 minutes. You will

communicate/talk with them during this set time while you follow their lead in play & conversation. Try this every day.

Tuesday: Use your computer to research a famous Person Who Stutters. What have they achieved?

Wednesday: Write a letter to the Stuttering Foundation about yourself. You can include your excellent artwork, too. Try to include the name of your Speech-Language Pathologist at your school. Check out your school website for your therapist's full name.

Thursday: Use a technique you have been working on at school in therapy to communicate all day with your family.

Friday: Enjoy learning about an organization dedicated to young people who stutter and their families.

Additional Resources:

Week 8: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our device users to communicate in a variety of ways too.


Why do I communicate? To advocate for myself

  • That’s not what I wanted
  • I need help
  • I don’t know
  • I need a break


When do I self-advocate?

  • When I’m tired—I need a break
  • When I’m frustrated—Help please
  • When I’m confused—I don’t know


How can you self-advocate this week?


Additional Resources:


Week 7: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our device users to communicate in a variety of ways too.

Why do I communicate? To initiate

What’s up?

What are you doing?

Good morning

That looks interesting

Can I join?

When do I initiate?

Walking up to a group—Hey everybody!

To play with friends—Let’s play!

To order at a restaurant—I want a hamburger.

How can you initiate this week?

Additional Resources:


Week 6: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our device users to communicate in a variety of ways too.

Why do I communicate? To share information

My name is ______.

Someone threw up in the car!

I see (something) blue.

It’s over there.

I got a dog!

When do I share information?

To give personal details—my name, my age, my favorite team (go Preds!)

To retell a story

To gossip

How can you share information this week?

Additional Resources:


Week 5: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our device users to communicate in a variety of ways too.

Why do I communicate? To ask questions

What’s that?

Where are we going?

What happened?

Do you like it?

Can I do it?

When do I ask questions?

When we go to a friend or family member’s house—Who is here?

Reading—What happened? What next?

Lunch—What (are we) eating? Do you like it?

Playing a game—How (do I do it)? Is it my turn?

How can you ask questions this week?

Additional Resources:


Week 4: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our device users to communicate in a variety of ways too.

Why do I communicate? To socialize

Good morning

What’s up?

See you later, alligator!

No way!

What are you doing?

Do you like that?

When do I socialize?

When we wake up—good morning, how (are) you?

In the neighborhood—Hey! What’s up?

With friends—What are you doing? That’s cool

In the community—Let’s go there. Did you see that?

How can you be social this week?

Additional Resources:


Week 3: AAC/Significant Communication Ideas

As you go about your week, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our alternative communicators to communicate in a variety of ways too

 Why do I communicate: to protest

  • Don’t want
  • Leave me alone
  • Stop it
  • No!
  • Not that

 When do I protest

  • When someone is bothering me—stop it, leave me alone
  • When I want more time—not done, don’t stop
  • When I’m uncomfortable—don’t like, not good

 How can you protest this week?


Additional Resources:


AAC/Significant Communication Ideas for Week 2:

As you go about your day, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our alternative communicators to communicate in a variety of ways too.


Why do I communicate? To direct other people—who doesn’t love to be bossy?!

  • Go away
  • Put it there
  • Give me that
  • You do it
  • Turn on

 When do I direct others?

  • Building with blocks—put on, put behind, give [color]
  • With siblings—leave alone, play with me, look at this
  • In a game (ex. Mother may I)—run, crawl, jump, go two (times)
How can you be bossy this week?


Additional Resources:



AAC/Significant Communication Ideas for Week 1:

As you go about your week, you do much more than requesting. That means we need to teach our alternative communicators to communicate in a variety of ways too.


Why do I communicate? To give my opinion

· That was funny

· Don’t like

· Yuck

· Good

· This boring


When do I give my opinion? ALL THE TIME! Think about how many times you share a positive or negative opinion throughout the day.

· After every activity—was it good or bad

· After reading a book or watching a movie—like or don’t like

· While eating—yum or yuck


How can you be opinionated this week?


Additional Resources:

Week 8: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “Jump, Frog, Jump!” with your child or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as “Point to the frog” “Point to the snake” or label the items in the book by saying “What is this?”

Wednesday: Work on spatial concepts (examples: in, on, under) by asking your child “Where is the snake?” (ex: in the grass) Where is the turtle? (ex: under the net) (Where are the kids? (ex: in the boat).

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book such as “What did the frog do?” “What sound does a snake make?” “Where does a fish live?”

Friday: Have your child retell the story

Additional Resources:


Week 7: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “From Head to Toe” with your child or watch the book online at https:

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as ‘Point to the giraffe’ or label the items in the book by saying ‘What is this?’

Wednesday: Work on following directions and doing movement activities using book vocabulary such as ‘bend your neck’ or ‘clap your hands.’

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book such as ‘what does a monkey eat?’ or ‘what sound does a cat make?’

Friday: Have your child retell the story

Additional Resources:


Week 6: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “Goodnight Moon” with your child or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as ‘Point to the moon’ or label the items in the book by saying ‘What is this?’

Wednesday: Label the action words/functions on each page, you could say something like, “what is the cow doing?” or you could ask your child to point to the function, you could say “point to the cow jumping over the moon”.

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book.  You could ask them things like, “what did the cow jump over?”, or “where were the cats?”.

Friday: Have the child retell the story.

Additional Resources:



Week 5: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “Silly Sally” with your child or watch the book online at

Tuesday:  Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as ‘Point to the pig’ or label the animals by saying ‘What’s this?’

Wednesday: Work on following directions and doing movement activities using book vocabulary such as ‘walk’, ‘dance’, ‘sleep’

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book such as ‘What sound does a pig make?’ or ‘What color are the flowers?’.

Friday: Have the child retell the story.

Additional Resources:



Week 4: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See” with your child or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as “point to the bear” or to label the animals by saying “what is this?”

Wednesday: Work on following directions with the book such as “point to the bear’s eyes.” 

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book such as “what sound does the bird make?” or “what color is the duck?”

Friday: Have your child retell the story.

Additional Resources:


Week 3: Preschool Speech-Language Activities

Monday: Read the book “Big Red Barn” with your child or any children’s book. Or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as “point to the barn” or label the barn by asking “what is this”.

Wednesday: Work on following directions with the book, such as “point the cow after you point to the horse”.

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book, such as “what do cows say?”

Friday: Have your child retell the story.

Additional Resources:


Preschool Speech-Language Activities Week 2:

Monday: Read the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” with your child or any children’s book. Or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as “point to the caterpillar” or label the caterpillar by asking “what is this”.

Wednesday: Work on following directions with the book, such as “point to the apple then to the plum”.

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book, such as “what did the caterpillar eat?”

Friday: Have your child retell the story.

Additional Resources:



Preschool Speech-Language Activities for Week 1:

Monday: Read the book “The Little Red Hen” with your child or any children’s book. Or watch the book online at

Tuesday: Have your child point to vocabulary of pictures in the book, such as “point to the hen” or label the hen by asking “what is this?”.

Wednesday: Work on following directions with the book, such as “point to the hen before you point to the cat”.

Thursday: Ask your child questions about the book, such as “what did the hen do?”

Friday: Have your child retell the story.

Additional Resources:
Visual Schedules Lite is a free app to help make visual schedules and first/then boards! The lite version of this app allows you to use pictures from your home environment to make the schedule specifically for your kiddo!
Sounding Board is another great free app that allows you to use your own pictures or their library of pictures to make communication boards, schedules, first/then boards, etc. to assist your child in communicating.
This is a free visual countdown timer to help your child know when it is time to transition to a different activity.  It is highly motivating and will reveal more of a picture as the timer counts down.  When the timer goes off, the picture explodes in a ball of confetti to celebrate the end of your activity or wait time.  If you don't want to download the app, you can also use a kitchen timer or the timer on your phone.